Safety Manuals

We help companies build sustainable safety management systems to achieve the highest standards of health and safety in the workplace. We create safety programs specific to your company whether you work in oil and gas, construction or trucking. It is our objective to ensure you meet government legislation requirements and comply with COR requirements.

Safety manuals custom designed to meet all your business requirements and guaranteed to meet all governing legislation and compliance standards such as ISN and Complyworks.

Our manuals are developed to meet criteria of the COR certifying partners and include:

  1. Management Involvement and Commitment
  2. Hazard Assessment
  3. Hazard Control
  4. Inspections
  5. Qualifications, Orientation and Training
  6. Emergency Response
  7. Incident Reporting and Investigation
  8. System Administration
  9. Other Affected Parties
  10. Health and Safety Committees and Representatives

With having built over 50 custom safety manuals for clients in Alberta and B.C. We guarantee to provide you with a Health and Safety Management System designed to meet your industry requirements.

Contact us to discuss your needs.